Lee Vierra Velix One Piece Baju Renang Wanita

IDR 319.920

IDR 399.900


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Velix One Piece

Never go wrong with classic front with u-shape piece that flatters your body effortlessly. Finished with an adorable crossback, this one piece is a versatile piece for any shape and occasion.

Kelebihan :
1. Comfort Stretch; mengikuti lekuk tubuh sehingga nyaman ketika dipakai
2. Chlorine Resitance; Bahan yang mempunyai ketahanan terhadap air kaporit
3. Durable & Long lasting : serat pada bahan akan membantu menyerap dan mengeringkan keringat sehingga tetap nyaman ketika berkeringat
4. Easy Care : perawatan yang mudah
5. Anti -UV :memanfaatkan Teknologi UV Protection untuk melindungi kulit dari paparan radiasi matahari

Bahan : 80% Polyester 20% Spandex

Petunjuk Perawatan :
- Cuci lembut dengan tangan
- Gunakan deterjen ringan dan air dingin
- Jangan menggunakan pemutih dan jangan di peras
- Jangan dicuci dengan mesin, dijemur, atau disetrika
- Jangan cuci kering
- Jangan di jemur langsung terkena sinar matahari

Note: we strongly advise against using spray sunscreens, which contain chemicals that may stain suits.

⚠ Natural elements like the sun, salt, sand and chemicals in our pools can cause some serious damage if care is not taken. Thus, keeping your swimwear clean is essential to prevent fading, stretching and to increase the overall longevity of your most loved pieces. 

Be mindful of the surfaces that your swimsuit comes into contact with. Abrasive surfaces, such as rough pool decks or soft sands can snag the delicate material and cause pilling. Make sure to always have a towel on hand, so that you can sit comfortably anywhere.Note: we strongly advise against using spray sunscreens, which contain chemicals that may stain suits.

* Mohon perhatikan bahwa warna mungkin sedikit berbeda karena pengaturan flash kamera / kecerahan layar komputer & handphone
* Pemesanan diatas jam 14:00 akan dikirimkan keesokan harinya (Senin - Jumat, diluar hari libur operasional), Khusus di hari Sabtu, pemesanan diatas jam 12:00 akan kami proses di hari kerja berikutnya
* Dapat dilakukan exchange size dengan syarat & ketentuan yang berlaku
* 100% produk lokal Indonesia
* Size chart juga terlampir di slide terakhir foto atau klik di panduan ukuran 

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